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Raise3D Pro3 3D Printer

$ 4,599.00 $ 5,599.00 saving $ 1,000.00
Raise3D Pro3 3D Printer

Raise3D Pro3 3D Printer

$ 4,599.00 $ 5,599.00 saving $ 1,000.00

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Want to purchase with RaiseShield?  Please contact Raise3D at 888 963 9028 or sales@raise3d.com.

1-Year RaiseShield: Full warranty coverage of electrical and mechanical components of Raise3D Pro3 Series printers for 1 year, consumables and cosmetic imperfection not included.

2-Year RaiseShield: Full warranty coverage of electrical and mechanical components of Raise3D Pro3 Series printers for 2 year, consumables and cosmetic imperfection not included.

The Pro3 is a professional dual extruder 3D printer with user-friendly features for a better 3D printing experience and a larger build volume, making it an excellent option for production and multi-sized rapid prototyping. With Hyper Speed Upgrade Kit installed, your Pro3 Series printer becomes capable of hyper-speed printing.

Build Volume (W × D × H)

Single Extruder Print: 300 × 300 × 300 mm (11.8 × 11.8 × 11.8 inch)
Dual Extruder Print: 255 × 300 × 300 mm (10 × 11.8 × 11.8 inch)


Enhanced Printing Platform Features
Interchangeable Hot End and Extruder Cover
Air Flow Manager
EVE Smart Assistant
Lightweight Cable with Digital Temperature Measurement
Auto Bed Leveling
Automatic Pausing with Door/Lid Sensors
Flexible Build Plate
HD Camera


Free ground shipping within continental United States on orders over $90 (3D Printers Excluded).

Contact Sales Team at 1-888-963-9028.

For delivery outside of the Continental United States, expedited delivery availability (additional cost may apply), or additional questions, please contact sales@raise3d.com or 1-888-963-9028.

The shown price excludes tax, which will be calculated during check out.


Raise3D Limited Warranty