Raise3D Forge1 3D Printer
Raise3D Forge1 3D Printer
Free Shipping in the US on Orders over $90 (3D Printers & Partial 3rd Party Product Excluded)
Free ground freight shipping within continental United States on orders over $90.
Forge1 is the first Raise3D’s printer able to print metal with user-friendly features for a reliable 3D printing experience, making it an excellent option for production and rapid prototyping for small batch metal parts.
Enhanced Printing Platform Features
Auto Bed Leveling
Glass Build Plate
Specialized Slicer - ideaMaker for Metal, providing templates for all processes
Matched D200-E and S200-C for debinding and sintering processes
The prints of Forge1 is compatible with MIM
Dual-head able to print Metal filaments, including Ultrafuse® 316L, Ultrafuse® 17-4PH, and Ultrafuse® Support Layer
Free ground shipping within continental United States on orders over $90 (3D Printers Excluded).
Contact Sales Team at 1-888-963-9028.
For delivery outside of the Continental United States, expedited delivery availability (additional cost may apply), or additional questions, please contact sales@raise3d.com or 1-888-963-9028.
The shown price excludes tax, which will be calculated during check out.